Dear Calvary Church Family,

As our province cautiously moves forward with plans to restart the province, we are looking forward to gathering together in person again as a church. In compliance with BC Health's city-wide protocol of group meetings of up to 50 people, we are preparing our own phased reopening. Our plan is to open our doors as early as Sunday, July 5th with weekly touchless Summer Sunday Watch Services, with no more than 50 people in attendance. Here you can enjoy our weekly service broadcast with friends a couple of times over the Summer until we are able to return to our larger group in person worship services. Complete Summer Watch Service details, including reservation and attendance procedures to ensure the safety and health of our congregation will be posted on Calvary Connect.

Our heart throughout this process is to consider all of our people, so we recognize that some will be more eager to return in the early phase than others, and that's ok. Calvary Church Online will continue with weekly services and new ministry content for Kids and Students for those who would rather continue attending from home. We encourage you to invite your friends and family to one of our regularly scheduled online Sunday service times. (Main Campus Live - 9AM | 10:30AM | 12PM and Mandarin Campus Live at 9AM | 10:30AM

We love our church, our city, and our nation and we are praying for a solution to all we are facing together as we look forward to a full return. In the meantime, our Church Office remains open with temporarily modified hours (Mon. - Thurs., 12-4PM) to assist you and your family. We would also encourage you to connect with your small group leaders if you have any practical needs that we can help with. If you're not part of an online small group and are interested, please contact the office or drop us an email at and we would be happy to connect you. I would also like to thank you for your ongoing generosity and faithfulness in giving. Without you, our ministry locally, nationally, and internationally would not be possible. If you would like to give today to help strengthen our efforts, please visit or text the word "calvaryca" to the number 73256 on you mobile device. We've made the process simple and safe.

We love you, we miss you, and we are praying for you daily. We look forward to being with you again on Sunday for Calvary Church Online.

God’s best,
Pastors Steve & Susan

Loving God. Loving People. Loving Life.

Calvary Church | Phased Reopening Plan

The Calvary Church COVID-19 Phased Reopening Plan will follow the guidelines of and be paced in conjunction with the BC Health Ministry and the BC Restart Plan, while prioritizing the health and well-being of our staff, volunteers, and church family. This phased reopening will demonstrate a deliberate approach, with limits on attendance and controlled guest density that aligns with guidance on physical distancing. 

Phase 1
March 13 - May 18

In cooperation with the recommendations of BC Health authorities, all in-person gatherings will be suspended and the Calvary Church facilities will be closed for public use. All weekend services will be provided online with Sunday broadcasts for both Main + Mandarin Campuses, including weekly on demand content for Calvary Kids and Students. In-person Calvary Small Groups will be suspended for both campuses and moved online, facilitated through video conferencing tools 7 days a week at 7PM. Fraser Glen Preschool will be closed until further notice. Calvary Church office hours will be modified to Mon. to Thurs. from 12PM - 4PM.

Phase 2
May 19 - TBD

Same as Phase 1 with the following additions. For small groups who wish to start meeting in person in homes or public parks, we recommend group members please refer to the BC government’s website for the most current guidelines to be followed for your continued safety and health.  Plans for a weekly Summer Sunday in person watch service in the Main Auditorium for the morning service broadcast will begin Sunday, July 5th. These gatherings will adhere to and support the BC Health Ministry guidelines of a maximum 50 people with 2 metre spacing per family group. All plans will reflect the required physical distancing and enhanced cleaning measures, along with a number of other safety and cleanliness protocols, implemented as part of this phased reopening. Future service dates, times and controlled attendance details will be confirmed and posted on Calvary Connect. For further information, please call 604.583.5551.

Note: Calvary Church Phases 3 and 4 will be released in coopertion and alignment with the provincial Phase 3 and 4 release. The Calvary Phased Reopening Plan is subject to change without notice.